What is a Law of Attraction Empowerment Coach & why you would want to work with one?
A Law of Attraction Empowerment coach helps you identify what you want and what could be holding you back from making it your reality. When you work with Stacy, she will educate you on how to understand that you are a vibrational being and what you focus on is what will come back to you. Many times you get things in your life by default due to lack of focus on what you want. The Law of attraction is always working whether you understand it or not. Understanding this vibrational world and learning how to deliberately create the life you want is the key. Stacy is dedicated to help you attain success in your finances, relationships, career and all other areas of your life. She will keep you on track, keep you accountable and encourage you to change your current habits that have held you back from reaching your goals. Stacy will be a trusted partner guiding you to the life of your dreams!
Who could benefit from Empowerment coaching?
Types of Coaching

Private One on One Coaching
Sessions are 45-60 minutes long and have focused attention on the areas of your life that you would like to make changes in or move forward to gain success. We will start from where you are and use powerful processes to gain clarity, and move through blocks of limiting beliefs. This will help you move forward to take inspired action to reach your desires.
Complementary Limitless Life Breakthrough and Strategy Session
In your free session, we will discuss the vision you have for your life and identify anything that might be holding you back or keeping you stuck from moving forward towards your goals. Then we will create inspired action steps to start reaching your goals. Many times we don’t feel that investing in ourselves is as important as taking care of others in our lives. However, when you take care of you and you’re happier, everyone around you benefits! This is your life and you deserve to be happy and create the life you want. If at the end of the complementary session you decide you would like to work with Stacy, she will recommend a customized coaching session plan to meet your needs. Please connect with her to schedule your complementary session so you can start living the life you desire .